コスタリカ / ラ メサ農園 100g


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Costa Rica/ LA MESA monte copey micro mill

[コスタリカ / ラ メサ農園 モンテ コペイ マイクロミル]



This is one of Costa Rica's leading micro mills, with a background as a COE champion.
The owner, Mr. Navarro focuses on traditional and simple varieties and processes, rather than adopting rare varieties or special processing methods.

Due to the clarity of its flavor, the delicate characteristics of red apple and white grape are distinctly recognizable in this coffee.
It also offers a pleasant, high-quality lactic acidity, and its roasted sweetness is reminiscent of caramel.

Region(地域) : La Bandera de Dota, Tarrazu
Farmer(生産者) : Luis Enrique Navarro
Altitude(標高) : 1,850 m
Variety(品種) : Typica
Processing(生産処理) : Yellow Honey
Profile(風味特性) : Red Apple, Caramel, White Grape, Lactic