ホンジュラス / ロス ピノス農園 100g


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Honduras / LOS PINOS

[ホンジュラス / ロス ピノス農園]

継続して買い付けを行う私たちNOZY COFFEEはもちろん、世界中のバイヤーを魅了する彼らのコーヒーは毎年高値で取引されます。


The Carvajal family, who operate the farm, burst onto the scene as producers in the 2021 COE competition.
Their Typica variety boasts exceptional quality.
Captivating buyers worldwide, their coffee is traded at high prices every year.
Apricot, lychee, lemonade... The moment you take a sip, these rich and refined flavor characteristics spread throughout your mouth.
The lingering sweetness, reminiscent of honey, is also wonderful, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.

Region(地域) : Esquimpara, San Andres, Lempira
Farmer(生産者) : Reniery Orlando Carvajal Guevara
Altitude(標高) : 1,650 m
Variety(品種) : Typica
Processing(生産処理) : Honey
Profile(風味特性) : Apricot, Lychee, Lemonade, Honey