Honduras / LAS MORAS Cup of Excellence 2024 #8 100g


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Honduras / LAS MORAS Cup of Excellence 2024 #8

[ ホンジュラス / ラス モラス農園 カップオブエクセレンス 2024 8位 ]

Region (地域): Pozo Negro Masaguara, Intibuca
Farmer (生産者): Antonio Dominguez Gonzalez
Altitude (標高): 1,733m
Variety (品種): Geisha
Processing (生産処理): Fully Washed
Profile (風味特性): Mandarin Orange, Earl Grey, Honey, Silky

私たちが長きに渡り毎年買付けを行ってきたラス モラス農園。
2014年にCOE4位に入賞し、NOZY COFFEE が落札。


Las Moras Estate, which we have been purchasing every year for a long time.
In 2014, they won 4th place in the COE, and NOZY COFFEE won the bid.
This time, it has been 10 years since then, and this is the first COE-winning lot!
Without hesitation, of course, we won the bid.

It has a fine acidity reminiscent of mandarin oranges.
The gorgeous flavor, reminiscent of Earl Grey and honey, will spread from the moment you take a sip.
The texture is silky, light, and smooth.