Honduras / DE LA CASA Cup of Excellence 2023 #8 100g


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Honduras / DE LA CASA Cup of Excellence 2023 #8

[ホンジュラス / デ ラ カサ農園 カップオブエクセレンス 2023 8位 ]

NOZY COFFEEではお馴染みのカルバハルファミリーの農園で、2023年のCup of Excellenceでは3つの農園が入賞し、NOZY COFFEEで落札しました。

This is a farm of the Carvajal family, a familiar name at NOZY COFFEE, and three of their farms were awarded prizes in the 2023 Cup of Excellence, which NOZY COFFEE won the bidding for.
The sweetness is predominant, with a sweet-sourness reminiscent of mandarin oranges and a thick apricot jam-like texture.
As it cools down, you can taste a lychee-like flavor, and the coffee has a long-lasting sweet aftertaste.

Region(地域) : Esquimpara, San Andres, Lempira
Farmer(生産者) : Irma Consuelo Bonilla Hernandez
Altitude(標高) : 1,680 m
Variety(品種) : Typica
Processing(生産処理) : Honey
Profile(風味特性) : Mandarin Orange, Apricot Jam, Lychee, Sweet Finish