Honduras / PLATANARES Cup of Excellence 2023 #6 100g


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Honduras / PLATANARES Cup of Excellence 2023 #6

[ホンジュラス / プラタナレス農園 カップオブエクセレンス 2023 6位 ]

NOZY COFFEEが力を入れて買付をしている生産者の1人、オルランド カルバハル氏が手がけ、2023年のCOEで見事6位に入賞したロットです。

This lot was produced by Mr. Orlando Carvajal, one of the producers NOZY COFFEE focuses on purchasing, and was awarded 6th place at the 2023 COE.
The charm of the PLATANARES shines brightest when the temperature drops slightly.
The intense sweetness reminiscent of dried apricots and pears intensifies, while the black tea-like flavors are carried through the smooth mouthfeel to a soft aftertaste.

Region(地域) : Esquimpara, San Andres, Lempira
Farmer(生産者) : Reniery Orlando Carvajal Guevara
Altitude(標高) : 1,680 m
Variety(品種) : Typica
Processing(生産処理) : Natural
Profile(風味特性) : Dried Apricot, Pear, Smooth, Tea, Improved