Brazil / MONTE ALEGRE Taste of Harvest 200g


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Brazil / MONTE ALEGRE taste of harvest

[ブラジル / モンチ アレグレ農園 テイスト オブ ハーベスト ]

テイスト オブ ハーベストというブラジルの品評会にて入賞をしたコーヒーです。

This coffee won an award at the Brazil competition "Taste of the Harvest." Coffee beans from Monte Alegre plantations have been procured consistently for the past few years.
It also has a savory flavor reminiscent of walnuts and a chocolatey sweetness and smoothness.
There is an impression of juicy acidity and sweetness with a hint of apple.

Region(地域) : Alfenas, Sul de Minas, MG
Farmer(生産者) : Jose Francisco
Altitude(標高) : 1,000-1,100m
Variety(品種) : Catucai
Processing(生産処理) : Pulped Natural
Profile(風味特性) : Walnut, Cocoa, Red Apple